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Jian Wang


"As an applied mathematics graduate, I am excited to be involved in the food science sector and have the chance to contribute to the development of the E-MUSE project from dynamics modelling perspective."

Jian Wang

I am Jian Wang, a research associate of E-MUSE and also a Ph.D. student from KU Leuven BioTeC+ supervised by Professor Jan Van Impe.

Before entering the E-MUSE project and KU Leuven, I obtained my Master's degree in Applied Mathematics at the University of Glasgow (Scotland, United Kingdom). My master's learning and thesis were supervised by Dr. Francesco Giglio (Applied mathematics lecturer at the University of Glasgow) with topics on mathematics biology.

During my MSc., I followed my supervisor and investigated the ligand-receptor binding cooperativity phenomenon with statistical mechanics approach by adopting the PDE'S Exact/Asymptotic analysis framework.

My position is Early-Stage Researcher 11 (ESR11) based in KU Leuven, Belgium. As an applied mathematics graduate, I am excited to be involved in the food science sector and have the chance to contribute to the development of the E-MUSE project from dynamics modelling perspective. The objective of my project is to focus on the power and limitations of two predictive microbial modelling paradigms: on the one hand Individual based Models (IbM) and on the other hand Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). Moreover, I will try to bridge between the (computationally very intensive) IbMs and population models which typically take the form of PDEs, and therefore to provide feedback to genome-scale modelling with the help of accurate spatial/temporal characterizations.

E-MUSE project was established for mastering cheese-ripening process, and will offer researchers a harmonised language to address questions regarding complex biological systems and will also train participants with multidisciplinary skills across various scientific fields. Finally, it’s my great honour to accept the valuable opportunity offered by E-MUSE project and KU Leuven which allows me to work alongside talented and creative researchers from all world under the governance of the intellectual team.

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“This website is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 956126”.
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