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Geoffrey Roudaut


"In the long term, this project should provide me with the skills and knowledge I need to have a large prospect for my career in the future, whether it is in academic research or in the industry."

Geoffrey Roudaut

My name is Geoffrey, I’m 24 and I graduated from Phelma Engineering school which is part of the Grenoble Institute of Technology in France. During the 3 years I spent there, I specialized in Biomedical Engineering and more specifically in Nanobiology, Nanobiotechnology and medical devices. I’ve done my final project at INRIA (National research institute of mathematics and informatics) Grenoble Rhônes-Alpes, working on the modelling and control of microbial communities. This led me to look for a PhD related to the same kind of scientific research.

I applied for the E-MUSE project because it offers many opportunities that more classic PhD projects do not have. Hence, it gives the opportunity to work abroad, in an international and multidisciplinary environment. In addition to collaborating with the members of the team within our respective institutes, the different ESRs will also need to collaborate, which is in my opinion a very interesting aspect of this project. It also offers to develop and enrich our skills and knowledge thanks to the different training events organized along the 3 years, which represents a huge chance for our personal development.

In the long term, this project should provide me with the skills and knowledge I need to have a large prospect for my career in the future, whether it is in academic research or in the industry.

Research interests

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